Sabine Rothaug and Bjarne Friedrichs were the strongest in the fourth stage of the City Race Euro Tour circuit, held in Darmstadt, Germany.
the RheinMainCityRace included in 2019 the 4th stage of the City Race Euro Tour.
The RheinMainCityRace was presented by, a project endorsed by HTV, RhTB and TVM. Next to the core mission of providing a collective platform for orienteering in the Rhein Main Region, in particular coordinating the events of the Rhein Main ranking list, also plays a role as (co-)organiser of some events, in order to advertise these events as region wide and make the region known as an attractive orienteering centre point.
The organiser of the weekend was the orienteering club OLV Steinberg e. V. which is based in Dietzenbach. The club is celebrating its 30th anniversary next year and with around 130 members belongs to the largest and most successful orienteering clubs in Hessia in the past years.
Elite W
1 – Sabine Rothaug, OSC Kassel 50:28
2 – Rachel Effeney, Ugly G. Orienteers 52:47
3 – Antonija Orlic, SprintAddicts 56:02
4 – Rachel Hendrie, Forth V. Orienteers 59:39
5 – Anna Harston, OLG Lummerland 61:10
Elite M
1 – Bjarne Friedrichs, MTV Seesen 48:28
2- Paul Pasda, USV Jena 49:01
3 – Roman Schulte-Zurhausen, DJK Adler 51:33
4 – Anatolii Dunaev,Gymnasin Offenbach 53:07
5 – Jan Skoupý, SKI-OB Sternberk 54:00
The full results can be found at: RESULTS